Monday, September 5, 2016

Calaveras Sheriff DiBasilio says: "Go get a real job!!"

   The newly appointing Calaveras Sheriff is traveling around the county holding meet and greet campaign rallies and stumping against cannabis regulation.

   In fact, at one rally, he even told a person who said he has a good job working for a cannabis grower, "Go get a real job!"  Shocking, but true!  He doesn't say that to the people who own wineries!! BOOZE is OK with DiBasilio, but not cannabis???


Anonymous said...

This is a joke, right? He didn't really say that, did he??

Anonymous said...

sheriff is just a pawn working for his handlers. He wont be elected as he is just a temporary appointment and was not at the top of the list per the board of supervisors so obviously he is there because he does what he is told

Anonymous said...

Go roll another Mr. Sheriff per the un official mayor of Avery, you smoked pot every day while growing up in Calaveras County. You have become just a turn coat and will not be elected. Lucky you were appointed yep more pay for you but it wont last. Be prepared to go back to patrol