Thursday, April 18, 2013

Shocking testimony at US Postal Service Senate Hearing

   If you got to watch any of the testimony of US Postmaster Donahue and National Association of Letter Carriers President Fred Rolando yesterday, we're sure you were as shocked as the Senators were.

   Mr. Rolando doesn't seem to have any realistic vision of the current Post Office system in the US for the future. He kept saying things like, we need to keep employees hired because we are going to start growing. HUH?

   Senators reminded him of the fact, and we concur that what he seems to be "smoking" is not a reality cigar.

     The Senate, and most American's agree, that the Post Office system as it is now, will never see an increase in business, but in fact will become less and less important.

   Of course, the fact that the NALC is a UNION could be the problem. His union members do not want to hear the real truth.

   They want to stay in their cushy jobs until they can retire from a monopoly that guarantees them a pension and benefits, that the American taxpayer will be required to foot.

   Every day, the USPS continues to lose money. Just locally, we can see that they have about twice as many employees as they need to do the job inside the post offices.

   We continue to get complaints daily about the way they are treated at certain post offices, since nothing is ever done about bad employees. THEY NEVER FIRE ANYONE!!

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