Tuesday, April 30, 2013

What is No 1 item CalTrans Cleans Up on Hwys?

   Last week CalTrans did a major cleanp-up of all the freeways in the
San Joaquin and Sacramento area.

   What was most interesting about that report was that there is one item that they clean up more than any other from the sides of all highways.

   What is that?  Why CIGARETTE butts of course.

   This was very concerning, not that we didn't know what causes nearly all of the fires that begin near the side of any road or highway.

   This was concerning because fire season is upon us. In fact as I write this, a fire was reported in the center divide of the I-5 near Lathrop road.

   Smokers carelessly and without a thought of the consequences flip their BUTTs outside of vehicle windows and cause many fires.

   Too lazy to clean out their ashtrays, they always say "it will grind up into nothing, no harm done", don't they?

   Wrong. These people are dangerous and should be treated that way. If you see someone flip their BUTT out of a vehicle window get the licensce plate number and call the CHP!

   Let's get these creeps, just like we are turning in the drunks. We need to get them off the roads!! They are all criminals!!

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