Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Supervisor Callaway: "Clerk of the Board doesn't take minutes anymore."

     Before the Special Board meeting for an Appeal Hearing at the Calaveras Board of Supervisors
on Thursday September 12, 2013 Supervisor Edson asked Chair Callaway to "wait until the clerk, Diane is ready".

   Chair Callaway responded by saying "Why? She doesn't take MINUTES anymore!"

   And that is true. The Board Clerk does nothing for taking minutes during the meetings anymore. We don't even see that the Board Clerk needs to be in the room during meetings anymore.

   Since there had been many complaints about the many mistakes that were found regularly in the minutes taken of the Calaveras Board of Supervisors meeting, this is most likely the true reason why they don't want her taking minutes.

   It has been stated that the video is the minutes of the meetings.


Anonymous said...

The video and the audio tape of the meeting are two of the three parts of the minutes. The third part is the reference to the agenda and staff report.

Anonymous said...

And NO ONE guards the videos? You aren't allowed to save them as evidence. Everyone knows what happens to county videos and documents. If that clerk doesn't take minutes she should NOT be allowed to sit there and twiddle her thumbs, which everyone saw her doing, including Supervisor Edson.

Anonymous said...

So they allow someone to sit there daydreaming when they should be over in the clerks office working?