Sunday, November 17, 2013

Democratic Congressmen vote against President Obama

   Surprisingly, Congressmen Ami Bera, John Garamendi and Jerry McNerney all voted for the Republican bill against President Obama's health care bill.

   They were three of 39 who sided with Republicans in chastising the President over some people's inability to retain the health insurance and doctor they now have.


Anonymous said...

Aren't they turn-coats? They don't give a d--n about their constituents. It's all about their re-election now or future. Did they vote for and support Obamacare, the affordable health care act? Yes or No? They are no better than the master organizer, campaigner-in-chief. Somebody ask the minority leader Pelosi, is she happy with those defectors? Ask majority leader Reid, is he happy with those defectors?
Were they in agreement with the "pass the bill to see what's in it" mantra?
What a waste of the taxpayers money, let alone the taxpayers time and anxiety.
Oh, thank you, the elected, elite, ruling class for your, after the fact, concern about we, your servants. All I see is the dust from their running in front of us, trying to save themselves.

Anonymous said...

I don't really understand what that bill does anyway. Will the President sign it?