Friday, July 10, 2015

As expected, Calaveras Planning Commissioners back up Maurer's ASPHALT--should be removed!

Oh, I'm so happy with myself.
Screwed them all, didn't I?
(oinkin yeah!)
   July 10, 2015: It was not unexpected that the Calaveras Planning Commission would do exactly what their Planning Director Maurer told them to do.

   Yesterday, they continued the meeting from late June, where Mr. Maurer set it up to defend
his actions of permitting the ASPHALT plant on the Calaveras River. We do not believe there is any defense of his actions and he should be removed from his job, along with Kearny and Tunno!!

   Since absolutely NO public hearing was allowed, and originally CCWD objected and filed an appeal.

   At yesterday's meeting, these 5 Planning Commissioners, following the lead from Steve Kearney,
who appointed David Tunno, voted to deny any and all appeals. 

   Since Mr. Kearney's re-election will be based on his harming his own supporters, we do not see him ever getting a second term.  He doesn't seem to care. He told the Sentinel in the beginning of this Ford Asphalt Plant that he is 100% for it. (says its about jobs, no matter what it does to people)

   Of course, Mr. Kearney later told the Valley Springs News that he hadn't made up his mind. We are aware that is NOT a true statement, based on what he told us.

   This is a Supervisor and his Planning Commissioner who are supported the most horrid General Plan UPDATE against all jobs in Calaveras, but wants a petroleum based ASPHALT plant in his constituents back yards.   This is a sad day for Calaveras.

   Now, however, Mr. Moss, who was supposed to be the Environmental watch over Calaveras County, is quietly saying that Mr. Ford, who lives in San Joaquin County, needs an environmental review of some type. It is probably just a piece of paper on which he will STAMP approved.


Anonymous said...

Come on , you guys. everyone knows these comms are not the brightest bulbs in the socket.

Anonymous said...

Now it will go to the B of S, right?