Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Letter to the Editor: Asphalt??

  Dear Editor:  I have been trying to follow what is going on with the Calaveras County elected officials and their loving an ASPHALT plant in Rancho.

   It seems that everyone now knows that Supervisor Kearney speaks out  with fork-ed tongue!

   And the Chair of the Planning Commission, a Wilensky wannabe, is allowing the Tea Party to have their way with an ASPHALT plant, but on the sly is pushing through the worst General Plan against property owners who want to build, ever to happen in this county.

   I supported Kearney, but I think his Tunno Commissioner is trying to kill any chances for Kearney to be re-elected. Of course, that's my opinion. Is Tunno running against him next time?  Hmmmm...

    T in Rancho


Anonymous said...

We have some major problems with the current crop of Planning Commissioners and Supervisors. Last night at the General Plan meeting a ton of people showed up to discuss the need to keep the Community Plans that so many had worked on so long and so hard - with County involvement! It was incredible and disrespectful and irresponsible that many Supervisors and Planning Commissioners appeared to have incorrect views of those plans and had not even read those community plans. Oliveria was not in attendance and was not in a recent GABA meeting either (illness?). His Planning Commissioner seems to lack the skills and knowledge to do her job. Do any of these folks get any basic training or are they just faking it?

Anonymous said...

Kearney is just another one-termer. you can't lie to one press person and then reversie it with another because people get mad. We aren't that stupid. Oh, wait! We did elected Spellman

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yup, another one-termer and he said he would be a moderate. Nothing moderate about oil poisoning.

Anonymous said...

Olivera is supposed to have some toe infection or something. don't know. He hasn't been able to handle any of the problems in Distric 3, we know that. so it doesn't matter

Anonymous said...

I finally got to watch the PC meeting. Are these people desperate trying to make Maurer or whatever his name is, look like he knew what he was talking about.
Who was specicifically missing? Kearney> hmmm

Anonymous said...

all they had to doo was google the question. What is the difference between asphalt and concrete. The main difference is that asphalt is made by adding a sticky, black and highly viscious liquid or semi-solid form of PETROLEUM--this does NOT appear in cement. Are these people total morons???

Anonymous said...

albanes, paraffins, explosive, hydrocarbon, why it works in cars, petroleum you dunces. They should make that Kearney and Tunno live there.

Anonymous said...

I think Bonnie Newman said it best. Keep the toxic waste OUT of Calaveras County. Thank you Bonnie.

Anonymous said...

has anybody figured out that tunno is intentionally trying to kill Kearney's chance for re-election. He is NOT a nice man. He really wants to be supervisor.

Anonymous said...

I liked the woman who said don't the people deserve the same protection as the county is giving the red legged frog???

Anonymous said...

They tried to pass it secretly. didn't want to tell the public. I thank for the exposing of theis corruption.

Anonymous said...

Carcinogens, cancer, is all coming to Calaveras. Our elected folks don't care. Kearney is talking BS.