Thursday, November 9, 2017

Rep. Issa defects: Will vote NO on tax bill! McClintock is a COWARD!!!

   The first member of Congress to announce that he is a NO on Trump's tax cut for the rich is Darrell Issa from the House of Representatives, who is worried about his re-election in 2018.

   We checked with McClintock,
who is our Representative (although its hard to tell), and see if he is licking Trumps back legs all the way.

    In a post on his website yesterday, he wrote that he isn't happy with the intentional screwing of Californians,, but also lies that the tax break for the rich will bring $5 trillion to the economy?????

     Since he is kissing Trump's rear by writing things like MAGA (Make Africans Go to Africa), he says he's with TRUMP and against us!!

  McClintock is a COWARD and loves the racist Trump so much, he could care less about us..

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