Is the Candyrock KKK and pornography club back in action???
A letter dated April 20, 2018 by Calaveras Forest Ranger Ray Cablayan essentially says "GO GET EM, SHOOTERS".
As the public is aware, much more than illegal shooting, drinking,
peeing and defacating, etc. takes place at this location.
Calaveras Sheriff arrests for PORNOGRAPHY in the area is public knowledge. Which candidate for Supervisor was on this committee and approves of pornographic criminal behavior, boozing and shooting up innocent people's areas?
We will ask and find out WHY, in spite of all complaints and arrests, signs of mentally ill and extremely violent racists being allowed to threaten those who complain, that the USFS approves and encourages this behavior.
We will be asking the Cablayan and Kuiken offices for comment and evidence that all of the illegal behavior is ended.
And what is Mike Preston's relationship with Merita Callaway. Does he brag that he HAS her by the P****, kind of like Trump???
Can't believe this! Doesn't USFS know how scared residents in that area are to complain?
Callaway??? Callaway??? What has she got to do with this. I didn't think she approved of those people??
Complaints have to go to the National to get any results. You are aware that he brags about a conspiracy with a woman in your neighborhood don't you. To damage your property, etc. I've heard all kinds of things.
Well, who's the biggest boozer of the bunch?
Are you guys talkin bout mike preston. he's the ony one I know who brags like that.
The honorable shooters belong to a gun club. I think the only ones who go to the kkk club are those who would not be allowed in a real gun club, don't you?
I heard they are doing another environmental assessment. The last one told it all. Sick, filthy people go there and chase away all the regular folks so they can shoot guns!
Why would you think the forest service even cares about us?
That preston guy brags about all the women he claims he sleeps with. He doesn't care about their reputations or anything. I think he's a loser. He hangs at a certain cof sp. mouthing off all the time.
Always such sweet talk about the creep of the woods Preston, the one who so many saw and heard threaten Obama, turned into secret service, will likely be watched forever. Should be in prison?????
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