Sunday, July 29, 2012

Assembly Bill 1221 Passed Committee Vote 8-4

    On July 2, 2012, the California Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee held a special hearing specifically to revote on Senate Bill 1221, a bill banning the hunting of black bears and bobcats using hounds, or packs of dogs.

    The Committee passed the bill by a vote of 8 - 4, with one abstention.  Specifically it was 4 Republicans against and 8 Democrats in favor of banning the inhumane practice.

    This issue was brought up at Calaveras County Board of Supervisors and will be on their next agenda. We wait to tell you which Supervisors cast which vote. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can't wait. Hope they get it.....the VAST majority of california are agasint it. Go ahead and vote against SB 1221...promise you will not be relected