Friday, July 27, 2012

Letter to the Editor about Hunting

   Dear Sierra Sentinel:
Give the animals an equal chance
with guns and then call it a sport!
      I read your article about bear hunters, and I have strong opinions on hunting

  .  I am not a hunter, but I have relatives who do hunt, nearly anything they can. They would hunt dogs and cats if they could get away with it, and sometimes do.

    Why do they hunt?  To feel powerful and to get away from their wives and responsibilities and GET DRUNK!

    And is hunting a sport? No, I believe it's torture and killing animals because you are a coward and they can't shoot back, not because you need the meat! 

   I believe hunters would really like to kill people, but they are too cowardly, so they go after animals who can't shoot back.
                                         Tom in Calaveras County


Anonymous said...

my whole adult life I have wondered why anyone would enjoy killing an animal for sport. Now I have heard every argument as to why hunters save the world from overpopulation and"if" that is true then hunting should be regulated in an effort to control that. But anyone who gets pleasure out of treeing a bear with a pack of dogs just so that they can kill has a screw loose. What a cruel and inhumane way to get kicks. God entrusted man to protect the earth and it's creatures....not to enjoy killing them. Quit pretending that you are doing this for the greater are not fooling anyone. Treeing a bear so that you can kill it is no better then letting two dogs fight in a pen. Cruel is cruel and dead is dead.

Anonymous said...

If the reason for hunting animals is overpopulation, then when is the open season on human animals. They are the reason for over-population.