Friday, February 28, 2014

Angels City Council going to Sacramento on tour

  UPDATE:  Michael McHatten, the City of Angels Administrator just sent us a reply, vague as it is.  He says that the meeting will be called to order in SACRAMENTO
at the Globe Mills Facility on C Street.

    He states that the council and commissioners are not paid anything ADDITIONAL, (meaning that because they call a meeting officially to order in SACRAMENTO they get paid for it).

   He also states that any PERSONAL costs associated with the meeting, such as mileage, etc. (meaning meals, gas) is budgeted under the travel and training line item. (YES, they will get re-imbursements, in other words.)

   Next Mr. McHatten says that the purpose is to tour tax credit/development projects in order to understand how those type of projects are funded and managed in case the City wants to consider similar projects in the future.
   We just received an agenda notification that the Angels City Council and the Angels City Planning Commission, the City Manager and the Planning Director are traveling to Sacramento on March 5, 2014 at 11 AM.

   We sent an email asking how much each will be paid, mileage, meals, etc. and where will the meeting be called to order, in case any of the voters should be interested in attending. We'll let you know if they respond.


Anonymous said...

Does that mean they will meet with Mayor Kevin Johnson? Maybe they can look at the new basketball stadium plans. Forgot, you've got to have a basketball team.
What the heck, Calaveras has jumping frogs. They need a stadium!
When Angels Camp dreams, they dream big. Gotta hand them that.

Anonymous said...

Guess their not going to see the Mayor of Sacramento. No frog jump stadium either?