Monday, January 9, 2017

Liars in our world

   In the past year and a half, the world has listened to one of the biggest liars in history. Even after the election, where people voted for him anyway, he continues to lie and lie and lie.

  Have you ever had a close relative, friend or neighbor be found out to be an unbelievable liar; someone you just didn't feel you could ever trust again?

   In the middle of the night, the Donald was up twitting bad things and outright lies again; this time   about Meryl Streep, who gave an impassioned speech at the Golden Globes about his mocking a disabled reporter (which he did).

   First, he denied that he ever mocked the reporter (even though its on video tape) and then he insulted the wonderful actress herself, as he always does.

  The Donald is a LIAR, a BULLY and a coward, who should never be allowed to sit in the White

House.  He can never be trusted, in our opinion. Every day he is so full of lies and crazy abuse of anyone who dares speak the truth about him.  What is going to happen? 

    Will he get caught and be impeached like Nixon?  Will he drop dead of a heart attack because of his no-sleep paranoia about people talking about him???


Anonymous said...

Have you ever observed someone who is on a drug like coke? Endless rants and staying up non stop to tweet or do what ever. Classic symptoms - could he be on some other drug? This is not normal behavior - come on folks !!!! Something is seriously wrong with his self control and he now has nukes!! He cant even turn the cheek when a movie star says something. He is becoming even more unglued. He looks like a baby fool.

Anonymous said...

I think Reps only love him cuz he's racist like them. No one who isn't could possible vote for a freak like that.
I remember when he challenged Clinton for a drug test. I bet he was on something.

Anonymous said...

He may be on drugs. Remember all the sniffing during the debates?

Anonymous said...

He is pathological, in my opnion. A sick man who should never be allowed in public office.