Monday, September 28, 2015

Wildlife starving in Calaveras

   One of the many sad and disparaging  problems after the Butte Fire is that so many wild critters (those who survived) are now in strange places, lost and without a source of water, and in many cases, food. And now it's the cruelest of times;
hunting season!

   We hear of newcomers to the Ebbetts Pass area, and those with fear of wild animals, complaining to the Calaveras Ag Department, wanting them all shot or trapped.

   We spoke with a couple of their employees, who note that if you just raise your arms and yell, even a black bear will run for its life.

     If you don't want any critters around your property, don't feed the birds (even hummingbirds), get a big dog and put up a strong fence.  Also, don't leave garbage out or leftover fast-food bags in your vehicles.

    Most wild animals will look for food and water where it is easiest to come by; spas, pools, even birdbaths are a welcome respite from this drought. If you place a spa or swimming pool in the wooded area, you are inviting thirsty wild animals.

    Wildlife seems to know that MAN is the real predator in this world!  If you don't like being around wild animals unless they are dead (like some we know) move back to the city.  They are part of the Sierra Nevada experience that most of us love.

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