Sunday, June 10, 2018

Why isn't appointed Calaveras Sheriff trusted??

   There is a big reason why the appointed sheriff in Calaveras County, DiBasilio, was not elected
Sheriff in the June 2018 Primary.

   Basically, it's about trust. First of all, his best friends are the KKK types, the other dirty cops and filthy criminals, just like Kuntz, who couldn't keep away from the bottle.

   Then DiBasilio went to bed with people like Muetterties and Mike Preston, and people began to openly BARF.

   Thirdly, he LIES to victims, throws away complaints and refuses to investigate the serious crimes against women and crimes by racist thugs; choosing to go out and cut down cannabis plants, because its easy!! 

   Finally he sends a loser like Greg Stark to be his TOADIE and go out and campaign for him at Calaveras Supervisor meetings.

   Stark not only campaigned, which is a violation of any peace officers protocol, but told him to use a letter that had been written by Gary Stevens many months ago, failing to mention who and when it was written.  This is the sign of a DIRTY COP!!

   Talk is that DiBasilio has promised to anoint Stark to Sheriff if he helps him get elected. You cannot trust DiBasilio. If there is anything we can't stand is not one, but two DIRTY COPS!!!

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