Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Robbery was from previous Calaveras applicant for permitted cannabis grow site

  RACIST Sheriff???

 The victims of the robbery that occurred at their residence in the 4000 block of French Gulch Road
in Murphys on June 24, 2018 were originally permit applicant cannabis farmers.

   They had applied for the permits in 2016, but in 2018 they were eventually denied due to failure to pay Measure C taxes.  The Great Calaveras Cannabis Ban was enacted in March of 2018.

   The growers apparently chose the wrong people to sell their crop to, because the men who showed up robbed them at gunpoint.

  The Sierra Sentinel is concerned that the Sheriff's Office is so totally concentrating on the races of the individuals committing the robbery that they are more concerned about race than crime.

   Most of the suspects were caught before they could get out of the county and one died after jumping from a moving car. 

   When the Sierra Sentinel asks for mug shots of WHITE suspects, we are often refused.  Does anyone see anything RACIST at our Calaveras Sheriff's Office.

   Reading these press releases makes it clear that someone down there hates minorities. What originally was a good bust, they have screwed up into a racist fear-mongering party. 

   Is it DiBasilio who is that racist that he has to belittle and repeat and try to terrify our residents. Why doesn't he arrest the worst criminals in Calaveras, the violent RACISTS?? Is it because THEY are WHITE and his CAMPAIGN committee??

   And we all know of how many METH dealers there are in the county. Why doesn't he spend some time arresting them if he has so much free time to write multiple racist press releases?

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