Twenty four items on the consent agenda. Makes you wonder!
This Board of Supervisors is shoving more and more items into the consent agenda, hoping no one will notice.
We at the Sentinel will notice and be counting who votes for Mr. Tryons letter against SB 1221.
Tell your Assemblyperson to vote in favor on this law and ban inhumane pack dogs hunting bear.
The Board of Supervisors says this is a non-controversial topic, that they assume everyone agrees with them that hunting black bears with dogs is perfectly humane. They are incorrect.
Fortunately, the Humane Society of the United States (not related to the local oranization in Calaveras County), does not agree.
And the Sierra Sentinel and many of its readers agree with the Humane Society. The Senate Bill 1221 is proposed at the State level to end this horrific practice.
Mr. Joe Duncan and Ms. Melinda Hoff made public statements to the Board of Supervisors at their last meeting in favor of using dogs to hunt black bear, saying their whole family does this, and how wonderful this practice is.
I hope nobody on this Board of Supervisors is re-elected. They don't work for us, the people at all.
Tryin is dead in the water. This will comepltely ruin his chances of relection. Because the moderates and animal lovers will lnever support him now. But lets wait and see what Ponte says about SB 1221
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