Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gunfire in Candy Rock Area of Hathaway PInes

No shooting should be
allowed at Candy Rock or
other residential areas.
      On July 16, 2012, at 12:15 PM, there was report of people in two large gray pickups with racks illegally shooting from the road which goes to Candy Rock Quarry.
     This is a real problem for residents in that area of Hathaway Pines.  When permits for development and building were issued to these residents, the  County did not make them aware
of the danger of living in that area. Failure to disclose?? Many can name them for the Sheriff and give addresses.
    Why is it that a person who is a little bit noisy at times is arrested immediately, but these people, not to mention the druggies, drunks, trespassers, vandals, and even those who carry illegal gun permits  get away with almost anything.
   What is the Sheriff afraid of? Losing the votes of the shooters?  Many people could tell them who drives that kind of truck and might also be down there.  The Sheriff is going to end up losing the votes of the innocent residents by protecting these criminals.
   Sheriff's Department; get the bad guys, instead of protecting them. We hear more and more complaints from residents in the Hathaway Pines area who say they are threatened by a shooter in the area.
    But the Sheriff seems to do nothing. WHY????  More to come on this issue.

    Illegal gunfire was also reported in Sheep Ranch and Mokelumne Hill on July 16, 2012.

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