Thursday, August 2, 2012

Political Blunder of the Week

                                                                   NOW HEAR THIS:

    Today, August 2, 2012, was the day that the Romney camp came out with a new website aimed at winning over Latino voters, which he needs to win the Presidency. Romney's son appeared on the website speaking fluent Spanish.

in the House of Representatives, an emergency committee meeting was being held to attempt to pass a law making the U.S. an English speaking only country.

   After the initial presentation of the proposed new law, the Republican leader called on the leading Democrat to respond.

   This Democratic Representative spoke no English.  He read every word into the record in Spanish, causing the Republicans to roar in anger.

   This was hilarious, but on a day when the Postal Service is imploding, you would think they might spend a little time trying to fix it.

   And this certainly didn't help Romney with Latino voters, who currently favor President Obama by around 40 %. 

    You just can't make this stuff up. In politics the truth is always the funniest.

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