Friday, October 5, 2012

Who are the Mungers, and Why are they Governor Browns Worst Nightmare?

   Never heard of the Mungers? Well, the two in California are the children of Warren Buffetts partner, Charles Munger.

    One is a liberal attorney in Southern California and the other a Conservative scientist in the Bay Area. They both say they hate politics.

    So why are they a nightmare to Governor Brown?
  Because they have money; and they are spending it on separate issues in this election.

   One is spending millions to defeat the tax increase bill Prop 30.  The other one is in favor of Prop 32.

   Brown therefore has a Munger problem!

   The Prop 30 tax increase is not popular anyway, except by those who would benefit the most, teachers and other state employees.

   And Prop 32, according to Brown, would hurt the unions, who are currently able to withhold money from union members paychecks and donate it to the campaigns of their choice, without permission of the employee. 

   Is Brown having nightmares? Probably. Munger nightmares. 

    The Sierra Sentinel is agreeing with both siblings in the Munger family. No on Prop 30 -NO NEW TAXES!
    And Yes on Prop 32 - No witholding for donating to campaigns without employee approval.

   Sorry, Governor. We find ouselves just like the Mungers; voting on each issue for its worth.

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