Monday, June 19, 2017

Calaveras Supervisors hold another Special Meeting for cannabis

   It seems the Great Calaveras Cannabis Ban proposed by Supervisors Tofanelli, Clapp and Mills (Tea Party Trumpers),
is still not on the books.

   Another Special meeting will be held on Tuesday June 20, 2017 at 9 AM to again discuss the issue. There are no Closed Sessions listed.

   Now everyone knows that Cannabis is NOT a drug per the state of California. It is an agricultural product. 
   The three Tea Party rats are trying to bring many, many lawuits to our county. Poor Calaveras County always gets the nuts in office!!


Anonymous said...

Now that CCA has submitted for the record their willingness to abandon rural residential growing there is no reason to BAN. Supes take charge of this and use the draft ordinance as a base to craft real regulations for cultivation. RR is out and tax from measure C will pour in and save your budget crisis. Have some strong leadership. Regulate and stop this ridiculous problem

Anonymous said...

Is the CCA willing to take responsibility for sale of recreational marijuana use drivers involved in vehicle crashes? Recreational marijuana use has been approved in California? Three states are reporting double digit increases in accidents with recreational marijuana user drivers.

Anonymous said...

Get a clue! Booze is the number one killer of innocents on the roadways. BOOZE! Let's BAN it!!!

Anonymous said...

Booze is the choice of the older generations. Marijuana is the choice of the new generations.