Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sierra Sentinel Receives Death Threats

    Ordinarily, a newspaper receives a variety of threats from mentally unstable people, and they are tossed. Occasionally, however, one comes through that needs to be investigated. One such e-mail has been received and will be traced so that prosecution can proceed.
   As is normal with these type of things, no one can even figure out a clue of why or what they are even talking about. That will be for the authorities to figure out after they are arrested.
    Fortunately, most of our readers are friendly, and enjoy the website even more than when it was a printed paper, and we want to thank all of you for your support. Our growth since going online is phenomenal.
    We will continue to report as we see fit and encourage other mentally unstable persons out there to please seek help, because we will be forced to report you too.  THERE IS REALLY NO SUCH THING AS TOTALLY ANONYMOUS!

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