Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Please PRAY for us....CALAVERAS!! Lora Most is BACK!!

   Now that the right wing religious wackos are back running the Calaveras County Supervisors, we really do need help!!

   We thought getting rid of Edsel was the last; but today Lora Most sat in the back pew, watching her boy Clapp to make sure he didn't waiver in his heavenly mandate against cannabis!!  She's his BOSS!!

   Please PRAY for the rest of us in CALAVERAS!!!


Anonymous said...

lol, lov this one

Anonymous said...

Is she the one who was the supporter of Spellman the religious kook?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they obly want their religion to rule. no one elses.

Anonymous said...

judgmental, vicious, holier than thou, let's see now,what else. A Spellman lover.

Anonymous said...

There's a guy they don't like on Sparrowk. trying to get code violations on him. his place is no worse than my neighbors. what is going on is clapp just playing power games...or is clapp a bunch of crapp