Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Moose bridge -- one car at a time -- police necessary

   The now famous Moose-Gate bridge on Blagen Road proved to be a serious problem when the Moose Lodge held a car show and chili cook-off recently.

   We understand that they had to have sheriff deputies direct traffic because only one car at a time can go over Oliveira's Moose-GATE bridge.

  The temporary bridge, which Oliveira says will eventually be rented out to others who need a bridge, is a one-way up and down bridge, that cannot be plowed.

   When will there be money to put in a real bridge to all of the CCWD owned properties back in that area? It will cost much more than it would have originally, and who will move the temporary one?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was pretty funny, all right.