Sunday, March 16, 2014

Letter to the Editor.....About Calaveras Thugs and the Election

   Dear Editor:

   I have never written to you before, but since I moved to Calaveras County, I have become extremely concerned about what is happening
at the Sheriff's Office, especially as it relates to District 3.

   I have read that the present Calaveras Sheriff is a possible thug, that he hangs out with other thugs and conspires to punish political opposition.
    I even heard in a bar last night that he is trying now to disassociate himself with a man named Olivera because of bad press related to his campaign. Isn't it a little late for that?

   Why is there so much corruption surrounding the Sheriff's Office? I know that the public is angry about the drugs and burglaries and that the deputies would not even back this Sheriff's re-election.

   I was angry when he allowed a close friend who was incarcerated to attend a family wedding because of favors they promised him.  From then on it only got worse.

   Now I hear that it was a possible conspiracy with other thugs in District 3 to harass residents who don't support him and to protect criminals who are his personal friends. (Withholding evidence?)

   There is no question that support for him among the voters has become very low, and my wife and I and our family want the County cleaned up of Meth freaks and burglars, which we feel are related.

   The two most thriving small businesses in Arnold are the Gun Store and the Pot Store. We need to change our way of thinking because if this is the true future of Ebbetts Pass, we want out!

   Scared of our future in District 3--no names please


Anonymous said...

Now that's a letter and a half to wake up to and read. I agree completely. I'm sure that the Sheriff is part of the conspiracy to hurt those who oppose him. He is also disrespectful to women behind their backs. I have heard him. He really needs to go.

Anonymous said...

All of the "thugs" mentioned hate women, especially if they have any power. The SHeriff is no different. I didn't know what to do until I met Garrahan. What a great Sheriff he will make.

Anonymous said...

I've heard that these are the kind of people who resort to violence if harassment or threats don't work. I say let's get rid of all of them. And any cop who could abuse a child is also a "thug" in my opinion. Good letter!

Anonymous said...

As I recall in the last election with these same "thugs" women turned against them. Once people see the truth, they leave and support someone else.

I kind of like Borean because he has shown that he respects the people. His opinion of the Candy Rock shooting is a perfect example. I don't know if anyone can beat Callaway though.

Anonymous said...

Great letter just hope that the public is paying attention.

Anonymous said...

Well, good morning all you other politicos. And I agree what a great letter. How do you find out these things? How do candidates get themselves in so much trouble. Kunts and anyone associated with him are history.

Anonymous said...

I'm a target shooter but would NEVER go to Candy rock either. Its disrespectful to other residents and the US Forestry should close it. Use a reputable gun range like Angels Gun Club or one of the others. I know a couple of those supporting Olivera and yes, they are "thugs"

Anonymous said...

I collect guns, but now would never shop at that gun store in Arnold, now that I know about the Candy Rock issue. He must have given them all the money to buy those silly signs with his stupid looking mug on them. Bad idea to put THAT face on large billboards, mr. gun store. You lost my business.

Anonymous said...

Did some of you think that Kuntz and his friends were NICE people. You were wrong! He will harass, threaten, anything to try and get elected. We have got to get rid of him and his tea party friends.

Anonymous said...

ONe thing I know. Everyone reads the Sierra Sentinel. No one else puts politics out front and center. Some may not like it, but they ALL read it.

Anonymous said...

Good Sunday morning all. I admit I was fooled. At first Oliveiera seemed nice even with that strange grin. Then him trying to claim to be the resident deputy and that not being true about being on the Sheriff's payroll, someone said that he is disabled from some other job and then the Candy Rock "thugs" (good choice of words" I've wised up. Now I have to decide between Borean and Callaway.

Anonymous said...

I put bad cops and pedophiles in the same category. Worse than "thugs"

Anonymous said...

I know at least one person who moved away out of fear of these gun "thugs". Are we going to let them run Ebbetts Pass? Or are we going to send them packing, along with the people they try to get elected? Kuntz and Olievieras?

Anonymous said...

I do feel the violence all around in Ebbetts Pass, ever since that gun store moved in. Now he's trying to take over Arnold completely? These are probably the same people who go to the pot store, then go to the gun store and then go shooting at candy rock. i'm sick of it.

Anonymous said...

Just to throw in a few more facts about our current Sheriff...
-He has shown up for work intoxicated on numerous occasions.
-He consumes alcohol while at work.
-He has wrecked three county cars, allegedly due to being intoxicated.
-He has prevented his deputies in making arrests, due to his personal relationship with criminals.

Anonymous said...

O....M......G...THANKS for telling us.

Anonymous said...

Under Kuntz this county has continually downhill. Now we know why. I believe that without Captain Macedo doing all the brain work, that he would have been brought down long ago. Why haven't we heard about his drinking before. No wonder he shakes and has no memory.

Anonymous said...

If you watch the 2/25/14 BOS mtg. you will see Macedo trying to justify why the Sheriff's office never makes good on the loans extended to them by the BOS. Since Kuntz took office, the Sheriff's office spending budget has been out of control. Kuntz just spent $10,000 for a conference room table!! Macedo continues to lie to the BOS, CAO, Auditor and community about their spending trends. Not cool! The Sheriff's Office will be the reason the county goes bankrupt.

Anonymous said...

So, dishonesty with money, grand jury investigations, allegations of drinking, "thug" friends, I've heard enough about kunts. I do have a hard time believing that Macedo isn't just doing what he's told by Kunts. with a new sheriff, he should be fine. He's really smart.

Anonymous said...

I read the big burp and I agree with most of what has been said. You are who you hang out with and your honor is less every time you allow yourself to go down to "thug" levels. It's clear to me that Olivierras is a "thug" just like his friends. If he wasn't he would have stopped the harassment and apologized. He's bad news!!!

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is how any business owners could get involved with this type of person and why? When the list of donors comes out, we'll know a lot.

Anonymous said...

They (oliveereas committee) have apparently put threats of boycotts, harassment and other things to try and force business owners and residents to support him. I feel that you are right, who wrote violence is next! They can all go to h***!

Anonymous said...

I believe that the gun store owner and the sheriff are the ones behind harassing people, the threats, the signs, etc.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! This is a day of revelations. Who is the chair of the Grand Jury this year. Once I was on it and it was so crooked and political, it stunk. Is it still the same?

Anonymous said...

you mean the grand jury foreman?

Anonymous said...

OK, we learned that Olivera is bad news. So now what? What is Borean like? Or shall we just stick to Callaway? How come we always get the nut cases running in Calaveras.

Anonymous said...

I've heard the Grand Jury Foreperson is one of the Sheriff's many lady friends

Anonymous said...

What lady would want someone like tubby alky Kuntz?

Anonymous said...

Are there any upcoming Town Hall meetings with Garrahan and Kuntz?

If so, there needs to be an strong community presence at these meetings.

Anonymous said...

Angels Gun club is a "members only" shooting range or you must be a guest with the member at your side. You cannot just walk in on your own and use it. Besides Angels Gun club has their problems too, thanks to some city folk that "want to change" the gun clubs local ways. This "ciy folk" wants to play, " I have more money than you and I'll sue anyone over anything".

Anonymous said...

If anyone is curious what the gun shop in Arnold and thugs have in common maybe some should contact the ATF to research his licensing. Any concerns or questions should be directed to them if questions arise about his dealings and records. They are the ones he had to "originally" go through for his licensing.

Anonymous said...
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